How to Get Absolutely Free Cell Phones without Contract?
Free smartphone offers are surely attractive but don’t go for them if you have a specific phone of choice. Those looking for a decent, durable, and reliable phone can check out the following post with absolutely free cell phones without contract.
Are Free Phones Really Free?

Both yes and no. As part of government assistance programs, free phones supplied by carriers are almost always free. You must, however, sign up for a plan of these programs via a provider. So, if you’re going to stick with that plan, the phone is truly free. However, if you are paying much more for that plan than you would otherwise, the phone is not free.
Who Qualifies For Absolutely Free Cell Phones without Contract?
Qualification for a free phone from government programs is mostly dependent on two factors. We’ll go through some of the choices for getting under the two terms here. Keep in mind that each service provider has its own qualifying requirements. So, before you apply, make sure you match their eligibility requirements, or you won’t be able to use the service. Let’s take a look at the two alternatives you have for getting absolutely free cell phones without contract.

The income should be below 135% of the Federal Poverty Income Level. This implies that your income should not be equal to or above the federal poverty threshold, as it will deny you the chance to get a free cell phone without a contract.
To confirm your income, you’ll need to present a paystub or an income tax document. Maintaining integrity is crucial in such situations. If you post any fraudulent papers, you will be prosecuted.
Participation in Federal Assistance Programs

Federal assistance programs aim to provide a basic income to low-income or no-income persons. Every state in the country has a variety of helpful programs. However, you should be aware that certain service providers may refuse to accept your present assistance program if it does not meet their requirements.
Here are some Federal assistance programs that may give you the turn to be eligible for a free phone and plan.
- Medicaid
- Federal public housing assistance (Section 8 housing)
- Veterans’ pensions and survivor’s benefit
- Treble head start-this applies to households meeting its income qualifying standard
- Food distribution program on Indian reservations
- Supplemental Security Income
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program
- Tribally administered temporary assistance for needy families
These are the two major ways in which you can easily qualify for a free phone without a contract. Now the next step would be to go on the application process.
How To Apply For A Free Phone Without A Contract
Step 1: Choose the best provider
You can evaluate the best option of Lifeline and ACP provider for you based on factors like location, network coverage, customer service, type of form offered, and the eligibility terms in place.
Each service provider has some similarities in the eligibility terms, which is the most crucial aspect of applying for a free phone. Also, location is essential as you may not be able to use your device without network coverage. For example, AirTalk Wireless is powered by AT&T network, which provides fast, dependable, and secure service to clients in all 50 states of the United States.

Step 2: Check if you meet the eligibility terms
The next step is to see if you fulfill the qualifying requirements. First, determine if you qualify under the service providers FAQ section. You should apply to that service provider if your eligibility requirements match their eligibility terms.
You should also have a certification proving that you received federal help or pay stubs proving that your income is below the federal government’s threshold.
Step 3: Start the application process
Once you’ve found a service provider, you may begin the application process by registering on their website. You can also start the application procedure by going to the local office. Some service providers enable customers to mail their applications, in which case you will need to download the form you will fill out.
Read more: AirTalk Free Phones: Top 5 Free Phones You Can Apply on AirTalk Wireless
Step 4: Complete the Application process
It will take 5 or fewer business days to receive approval after submitting the application. If authorized, the phone will be mailed to your location or picked up at the nearest shop or free shipped (it’s based on your provider). If you’re not accepted, the employer may ask you to reapply or notify you that you don’t meet the requirements.

Do Free Cell Phones Without A Contract Have A Cell Phone Plan?
Yes! Almost all companies offer absolutely free cell phones and free phone plans. Some of these free phone plans come with unlimited everything from talk, text, and data. All you need is to discern which service provider offers more benefits than the other and consider the network coverage.
What Carrier Is Offering Free iPhones?
As part of their special deals for new customers, all major carriers offer free iPhones. Keep in mind that iPhones, especially the latest models, are extremely expensive, which means that in order to qualify for getting them for free, you will typically be required to sign up for extremely expensive plans or even get more than 1 line.
Final Words
So, have you believed that there are absolutely free cell phones without contact? Check out your eligibility and contact a service provider now!