When you try to sign a cell phone contract, many companies will ask for your credit card information. They will almost certainly ask you to pay for the phone after you sign the contract. Even if you get a discount, it isn’t always enough to cover the full cost of the phone. If you have a bad credit score and no way of paying for a phone, you can still get one for free. We’ll learn how to get free phones no credit card needed in this tag.
Applying for a free government phone program is the first and best way to get a free phone without a credit card.
The US government runs a program called Lifeline Assistance, which gives low-income households a $9.25 monthly discount on their telecommunications service bill if they participate in certain government-sponsored programs. This is applicable to landlines, wireless phones, and internet services.
Apart from Lifeline, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a new FCC benefit program that aims at making broadband more accessible to households. The benefit provides a discount on internet service of up to $30 per month for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying tribal lands.
In fact, many businesses have taken the Lifeline and ACP programs to the next level by providing eligible customers with free cell phones. All you have to do now is look for a Lifeline or ACP provider that provides free phones.